Washington DC Escorts Fantasy

When thinking about an erotic adventure, exactly what is it that interests you most? Do you want to enjoy a slow strip-tease where one of our Bethesda MD escorts shows you some slow moves while removing clothing piece by piece? Are you more interested in having a luscious female by your side at one of the area's hottest nightclubs? Are you interested in having a nude massage? What about seeing not one, but two sexy women dance and strip in tandem? Have you been wondering what it would feel like to have a woman gyrating right in front of you while giving you your own lap dance? Are you more interested in seeing how others perceive you as you bring a sexy lady to a party with you?

Whatever your fantasy, our service has a woman available to make it come true. We want our clients to be satisfied with the service our ladies give to them and we will make every effort to have you enjoy every second you spend with your escort. Let her know if something isn't up to your standards so she can change it into a positive experience for you. Since each person has different perceptions regarding an escort experience, we want to make sure what you want is what you get. Let us know when calling so we can inform your escort of the night ahead of them before they arrive. They will come ready, willing, and able to make sure you are happy with their companionship the whole time you are together.

Where Are You Staying?

Our escorts are available to come to your hotel room or home, giving you the privacy you wish while being super-convenient to not have to seek your companion in a public area. She will come direct to you so you do not need to spend time or money looking for her yourself.